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TQ Series of Casing Tongs

     TQ series of casing Tongs are widely used for making up or breaking out pipes or casings diameters of ¡° ~133/8 ¡°,The tong heads are designed¡±open ¡°type and can freely clamp and escape from the casing ,TQ Casing Tongs are safe ,reliable ,and easy to handle with high mobility .This series of tongs can be connected to computer comtrolling units and can serve as ideal well mechanical tool for surface operations in oil fields.National Invention Patent of the tong has been got .The tongs are designed and manufactured according to API Spec 7K¡±Specification for Drilling Equipment ¡°. TCS torque monitoring system can be mathed with drill well Power Tongs ¡¢casing tong and oil pip Power tong and can be well made-up .The characteristics are as follows . -Record and save the ultimate data ,such as :torque ,number of ciccles ,torque/time of .circles,torque/time. curves,date,time,well-team number ,single and total length. -According to the torque and circle number it automatically control the making-up torque and the circle number.It rnsures each commected joint in the best condition . -You can choose the type writer to record all the data and curves.



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